
2024 Divisions

by The Executive Director

Here are the divisions for the 2024 season:

East Division
Biff Tannen
Bud Fox
Donnie Jeffcoat
Mr. Marbles
Neon Boudeaux
Patrick Bateman*

North Division
Karl Farbman
Karl Hungus
Kenny Powers
Kiko Garcia
Luther Lavay*
The Notorious ABT

South Division
Boss Hardigan
Judge Smails
Rick Moranis*
The Beard of Zeus
Waldo Geraldo Faldo

West Division
Blossom Russo
Chalky Studebaker
Chris B. Corey
Don Mattingly
Larisa Oleynik*
The Big Hurt
The People’s Champ
Tony Montana

*Defending champion of the Division


2024 Divisional Draft Recap

by The Executive Director

The following is an edited transcript from this year’s divisional draft, which was held on August 25, 2024.

The Executive Director: Good evening gentlemen
Luther Lavay: Good evening
Patrick Bateman: Good evening
The Executive Director: Good evening Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: Hello all
Luther Lavay: oh Hey
The Executive Director: All division winners are present and accounted for
The Executive Director: Welcome to the 2024 FMFL Divisional Draft. Congratulations on winning your division last year. This will be standard snake draft based on finish last year. Round 1 will go 1) Luther Lavay 2) Patrick Bateman 3) Larisa Oleynik 4) Rick Moranis. Round 2 will be the reverse order. We'll go until all 32 franchises have been selected. Luther Lavay you are on the clock.
Luther Lavay: Karl Farbman
The Executive Director: Excellent choice - Bateman is up
Patrick Bateman: Mr. Marbles
The Executive Director: Over to Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: Blossom Russo
The Executive Director: Now onto Rick for two selections
Rick Moranis: Shecky aswellas Yaz
The Executive Director: Old timers picks; back to Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: The Phoenix
The Executive Director: The Phoenix was last seen in a gym 5 years ago and is not in the league
Luther Lavay: haha
Larisa Oleynik: who is Yankow
The Executive Director: Chris B. Corey
Larisa Oleynik: yeah him
The Executive Director: On to Bateman
Patrick Bateman: Bud fox - lots of groupthink between he and marbles.
The Executive Director: Strategic -- To Luther for two picks
Luther Lavay: Yet another Karl (Hungus) and T-Ferg
The Executive Director: Cornering the Karl market
The Executive Director: Back to Bateman
Patrick Bateman: Babe
The Executive Director: To Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: The Big Hurt
The Executive Director: Over to Rick for two
Rick Moranis: Smails aswellas Zeus
The Executive Director: Back to Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: The People's Champ
The Executive Director: Bateman up
Patrick Bateman: OJ please
The Executive Director: Bateman has Orenthal James; over to Luther for two
Luther Lavay: Thine and the Notorious ABT
The Executive Director: Back to Bateman for the next pick
Patrick Bateman: Biff Tannen
The Executive Director: Bateman takes Biff. Larisa up
Larisa Oleynik: Chalky Studebaker
The Executive Director: To Rick for two
Rick Moranis: Bayonnaise aswellas Waldo
The Executive Director: Back to Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: Don Mattingly
The Executive Director: Bateman up
Patrick Bateman: Donnie Jeffcoat
The Executive Director: Luther with his last two picks
Luther Lavay: Kenny and Kiko
The Executive Director: That leaves Neon Boudeaux, Tony Montana and Boss Hardigan. Bateman is up
Patrick Bateman: Neon Boudeaux
The Executive Director: Larisa's last pick
Larisa Oleynik: Tony
The Executive Director: And Boss Hardigan goes to Rick
The Executive Director: any parting words before the season starts?
Patrick Bateman: Good luck fellas
Luther Lavay: Good luck to everyone....
Rick Moranis: It’s time to get Hard. Again
Larisa: Fidelio.
The Executive Director: Enjoy the season!

Welcome to the 2024 Season!

by The Executive Director

Welcome to the 18th season of the Funny Money Football League!