
The Top Ten: Week 6

by The Executive Director

Commentary: Three franchises bet their wild cards in Week 5, and two were victorious. Face made a big $1,000 leap, and Slovy Maximus crawled his way out of the cellar in the South. Ron Mexico, however, lost his bet but salvaged his other wager and only lost $600 on the week. Overall, the league is performing well, with the last place franchise at -$500. That means only one thing: there is a rough road ahead for some franchises. What goes up must come down.

(current total; last week’s ranking)

1. Gordon Bombay ($1,300; 1)
Bombay won another $100 and is enjoying a comfortable lead in the West, with the closest opponent $700 back. However, six out of the seven West franchises are at $0 or above, so it’s anyone’s game with a long way to go.

2. Karl Farbman ($900; 2)
Farbman won another $100 and now is $400 up on the rest of the East. He’s $400 back of the overall lead as well, despite a low winning percentage. He’ll have to cash in on a few big weeks to keep his lead.

3. Larisa Oleynik ($600; 3)
After making a big leap in Week 4, Larisa maintained her lead in the North. The Beard of Zeus and Mr. DeBlasis are meekly staying within striking distance, but so far she is wearing the pants in the division.

4. Art Schlichter ($600; 4)
Art was another franchise that made a big push two weeks ago, and he’s still in second behind Gordie in the West,

5. The Phoenix ($500; 5)
The Phoenix is in playoff position and tied for second in the North. There’s a long way to go, but T.P. has really proven himself to be a contender so far in 2011.

6. Kimmy Gibbler ($500; 9)
Gibbler won $100 and pulled even with the Phoenix. An original FMFL franchise, Gibbler seems to have broken her streak of inconsistency and will be a factor this season.

7. Face ($500; NR)
Huge move by Face! His primetime combo ($800 wild card on Green Bay, $200 bet on Detroit) vaulted him up from the basement in the West to contention. He’s now in position for a playoff run and to make a move for the West division crown.

8. The Beard of Zeus ($300; 7)
Another week passes and another missed opportunity by the Beard to take advantage of the rest of the dormant North. He isn’t dominating like he did during the regular season title run of 2010, but as he showed last year, he’s capable of stringing together three or four perfect weeks in a row.

9. Bud Fox ($300; 8 )
Is Bud’s rookie status starting to show? He’s falling down the leaderboard out West and might want to think about dialing up his wild card bet before it’s too late….

10. Will Cover ($300; NR)
Will had a big week – winning $500 and now tied for the lead in the South. The division is there for the taking, with all seven franchises within $700 of the lead. Will looks to keep his momentum going this week.

Others receiving votes: Boss Hardigan; Ron Mexico; Mr. DeBlasis

Dropped out: Ron Mexico; Waldo Geraldo Faldo


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