
Super Bowl Scenarios

by The Executive Director

Here are the scenarios: All four of the top franchises bet the Steelers, sealing the title for Karl Farbman. Second and Third Place are still up for grabs, as everyone has a chance at the money except for The People’s Champ.

If PITTSBURGH covers…..

Karl Farbman$1,000
Gordon Bombay$900
Kimmy Gibbler$600*
Blossom Russo$600*
The People’s Champ$200
Mr. Marbles-$800
The 21th Precinct-$1,000

If ARIZONA covers…..

Karl Farbman$400
Mr. Marbles$200
The 21th Precinct$0
Gordon Bombay-$100
Kimmy Gibbler-$400
Blossom Russo-$400
The People’s Champ-$800

*Tiebreaker – If Pittsburgh covers and wins by 11 or less, Blossom Russo wins Third Place. If Pittsburgh covers and wins by 12 or more, Kimmy Gibbler wins Third Place.


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