
(Editor’s note: The 2019 winner, Karl Farbman, has penned some words of wisdom as we kick off the 2020 season. His message is below.)

It’s great to be back in the winner’s circle as the reigning champion of the Funny Money Football League.

First off, it is an honor to join The People’s Champ and Kiko Garcia as a two-time winner of the FMFL. It is truly elite company and I am grateful to join you with multiple titles.

Secondly, I salute all of the other past champions of the FMFL. I would like to mention them by name: Yaz, Larisa Oleynik, Bayonnaise, Kimmy Gibbler, Gordon Bombay, Babe, and the late, great Dr. Oge. For the rest of the league, take a look at this list, along with The People’s Champ, Kiko Garcia, and me, Karl Farbman. We are winners. We have each succeeded when it meant the most.

There’s plenty of people in the FMFL who are great at talking. There are ups and downs for those franchise owners, but what I see as their biggest downfall is this: Talking is what they do best. They talk because they can’t win.

Another season begins, and all totals are back at $0. Now the “talkers” may say, “It’s all luck….”, or “I’m great in the regular season….”, or “This is fixed.” To me, there are only two groups in the FMFL: the winners and the losers. I’ve listed the winners above. The losers know who they are and need not be mentioned.

Best of luck to everyone this season.


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