
2024 Divisional Draft Recap

by The Executive Director

The following is an edited transcript from this year’s divisional draft, which was held on August 25, 2024.

The Executive Director: Good evening gentlemen
Luther Lavay: Good evening
Patrick Bateman: Good evening
The Executive Director: Good evening Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: Hello all
Luther Lavay: oh Hey
The Executive Director: All division winners are present and accounted for
The Executive Director: Welcome to the 2024 FMFL Divisional Draft. Congratulations on winning your division last year. This will be standard snake draft based on finish last year. Round 1 will go 1) Luther Lavay 2) Patrick Bateman 3) Larisa Oleynik 4) Rick Moranis. Round 2 will be the reverse order. We'll go until all 32 franchises have been selected. Luther Lavay you are on the clock.
Luther Lavay: Karl Farbman
The Executive Director: Excellent choice - Bateman is up
Patrick Bateman: Mr. Marbles
The Executive Director: Over to Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: Blossom Russo
The Executive Director: Now onto Rick for two selections
Rick Moranis: Shecky aswellas Yaz
The Executive Director: Old timers picks; back to Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: The Phoenix
The Executive Director: The Phoenix was last seen in a gym 5 years ago and is not in the league
Luther Lavay: haha
Larisa Oleynik: who is Yankow
The Executive Director: Chris B. Corey
Larisa Oleynik: yeah him
The Executive Director: On to Bateman
Patrick Bateman: Bud fox - lots of groupthink between he and marbles.
The Executive Director: Strategic -- To Luther for two picks
Luther Lavay: Yet another Karl (Hungus) and T-Ferg
The Executive Director: Cornering the Karl market
The Executive Director: Back to Bateman
Patrick Bateman: Babe
The Executive Director: To Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: The Big Hurt
The Executive Director: Over to Rick for two
Rick Moranis: Smails aswellas Zeus
The Executive Director: Back to Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: The People's Champ
The Executive Director: Bateman up
Patrick Bateman: OJ please
The Executive Director: Bateman has Orenthal James; over to Luther for two
Luther Lavay: Thine and the Notorious ABT
The Executive Director: Back to Bateman for the next pick
Patrick Bateman: Biff Tannen
The Executive Director: Bateman takes Biff. Larisa up
Larisa Oleynik: Chalky Studebaker
The Executive Director: To Rick for two
Rick Moranis: Bayonnaise aswellas Waldo
The Executive Director: Back to Larisa
Larisa Oleynik: Don Mattingly
The Executive Director: Bateman up
Patrick Bateman: Donnie Jeffcoat
The Executive Director: Luther with his last two picks
Luther Lavay: Kenny and Kiko
The Executive Director: That leaves Neon Boudeaux, Tony Montana and Boss Hardigan. Bateman is up
Patrick Bateman: Neon Boudeaux
The Executive Director: Larisa's last pick
Larisa Oleynik: Tony
The Executive Director: And Boss Hardigan goes to Rick
The Executive Director: any parting words before the season starts?
Patrick Bateman: Good luck fellas
Luther Lavay: Good luck to everyone....
Rick Moranis: It’s time to get Hard. Again
Larisa: Fidelio.
The Executive Director: Enjoy the season!


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